Everything you need to know about ordering the various components of the Passport Accountability System before placing an order – All in one convenient location.
NOTE: Minimum Orders of $30.00 + $8.95 Shipping & Handling

Recommended each dept. have 6 NameTags per individual.
- Specify LAST NAME. Include FIRST INITIAL only if your dept. has duplicate last names. (Officers may incl. rank also)
- If dept. has a printed list of its firefighters, you may submit that list vs. completing the NameTag form.
- Standard Color is WHITE. Alternate colors are available for an additional charge. Please inquire.

Recommend each dept. maintain 12 blank Passports in Battalion Chief’s Make-Up Kit.
1 Set of each of the following flexible Passports for each responding apparatus (Truck [T], Engine [E], Ambulance [A], Tanker [Tnk] etc.)
- PRIMARY: 1 White Passport – store under Officer’s Helmet Brim
- BACK-UP: 1 Red Passport – store on Dashboard or Rig Door
- RESERVE: 1 Green Passport (Optional) – store at Station Watch Deck
If staffed adequately to split firefighters from one rig into two or more teams, specially designed ‘Team Passports are available. Please inquire.

Recommend 1 Status Board for each responding Apparatus + 2 in the Batallion Chief’s Make-Up Kit.
Should have enough Status Boards to fill routine command functions such as Division A-D and Staging. These can be carried on responding Apparatus or in the Command vehicle.
Please specify with our without strap.

Full Leather Shield with our without removal Leather Inserts. Used to identify each member of a company as a team. Please contact us for ordering Shields.
Each position on
EVERY Apparatus should have a Shield that corresponds with the Passports of
THAT Apparatus (usually 1 lieutenant and 3 firefighters + one extra of each per Rig).
- Shield Blank
- Top Panel
- Bottom Panel
- Velcro Area of Insert
- Leather Insert

2″ x 4″ Leather Inserts. Please specify.

Large enough to carry multiple Status Boards, extra Velcro, blank Name Tags etc.
Fully stocked Kits include –
- 4 Blank Passports
- 4 Grease Pencils
- 1 Marking Pen
- Scissors
- 2″ Medical Tape for Make-Up Helmet Shields
- Extra Velcro for Name Tags
Un-stocked Kits/Carrying Cases also Available.

- We use only Velcro Brand to maintain superior quality
- Velcro products are sold by the yard.
We recommend 4″ piece for Passports (used to adhere to the Rig) and 3″ piece for firefighters to store their Name Tags under the corners of their helmet brim.

125-Page Training Manual and CDs available.
20-minute Video Program available: ‘The Passport Accountability System-Passport to Safety’
Hard Copy Manual and CDs also available for purchase separately. Please Specify.